Join a Strike!

It’s time to join a strike! Rally cry for rent strikes, mortgage strikes, labor strikes, and credit card strikes! Help us populate our directory with your local strikes and unions in action by commenting below.

Congratulations, Staten Island Amazon Workers, on your historic victory!

Staten Island Amazon workers stood up to one of the most anti-union companies in America and had their voices heard!

Amazon Labor Union Twitter: @amazonlabor

Listings of Strikes and Unions by State:


The unionized workers are striking over labor practices, which they say include low wages, unfair health benefits, and an unsafe work environment, the UFCW said in an emailed statement.

Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Connecticut:
  • Support our United Steel Worker brothers and sisters striking at ATI (Allegheny Technology Incorporated) facilities at:
    • Brackenridge, Latrobe, Natrona Heights, Washington, Vandergrift in Pennsylvania.
    • Lockport, New York.
    • Louisville, Ohio.
    • New Bedford, Massachusetts.
    • Waterbury, Connecticut.

LA Tenants Union

Local 770

Pasadena Tenants Union

New York:
  • Teamsters Joint Council 16
    • Support the workers demanding a Raise and healthcare! Join our brothers and sisters at:

      New York City Terminal Produce Market
      101 Food Center Dr #8A, The Bronx, NY 10474

The two stores that say they are going on strike include the location at Fifth Avenue and Pike Street and the location on Eastlake Avenue.

Missing a State or City?
  • Add a listing. Comment below!

Don’t see a Strike or Union listed?

Please comment below so we can add them to the our list. Strikes and unions must be active.

73 thoughts on “Join a Strike!

  • April 12, 2020 at 1:39 am

    An idea – get a website where everyone wanting a third party can sign. Anyone worried about viability will be able to see all the tens of millions willing to vote. Put a basic policy list on there to make it clear. Then put put forward presidential and candidates for every congress seat available. Publicise this!

    • April 19, 2020 at 12:53 am

      Cancel all debt. After this total disruption, it’s time to 0 out the debt and everyone can start over. It’s been done before after certain crises and it worked. It will kickstart the economy. Since debt is the way the rich get richer, we need a clean slate and level playing field. The Jamie Dimons of the rich boy’s club will have to suck it up and tighten their belts.

      • September 4, 2020 at 5:54 am

        But they are making debt service more accessible than ever!

      • December 5, 2020 at 5:20 am

        It is called a Jubilee!! We need to call for a Jubilee!!

      • January 6, 2021 at 2:00 pm

        Cancelling debt won’t level the playing field… it will just temporarily raise the floor a few inches. It’ll be good for some, obviously, but what it won’t do is anything about the fact that some people personally hold and control, in some cases, multiple tens of billions of dollars all by themselves. Also, when you cancel “all debt,” it will also help a lot of people who neither need nor deserve it. Like the self-proclaimed “king of debt,” who is about to be served an eviction notice from 1600 PA Ave., as of now, early January 2021. Of course, if the debts you cancel are only to US banks and organizations, it might not help him as much as if you were to cancel ALL debt, but hopefully you see my point.

        It won’t do anything, either, to stop the situation we have from happening again, and not long thereafter. It would basically be like sticking a generic, non-branded pressure-sensitive self-adhesive bandage strip to a sucking chest wound. It will present the appearance of helping while actually not helping at all, in fact, possibly making things worse in the long run by failing to address the actual problems that caused the problems in the first place.

        If you were to ask, “okay, what do YOU think we should do,” I would hasten to point out that the only real problem, the root cause of this nation’s woes is political corruption, because nothing, not climate change, not racial inequity, not debt, not over-regulation or under-regulation, NOTHING, will be solved when you not only have a government that is NOT working to solve problems, but rather is actually working actively to exacerbate them. How to fix corruption? What one blanket rule could we make that would FIX things, you ask? What could we do that would have the greatest effect with the smallest number of words added to the US Constitution? I’d say, “outlaw incumbency.” Make it a law that no one can hold any elected or appointed office, nor work FOR any politician as an appointee, etc., until, as a minimum, a term has passed equal in duration to the full normal term that the person just served IN, and this rule would apply to ALL echelons of government, meaning no State or Commonwealth Governors running for President (or Senate, or House) while in office, for just one example. This would have several beneficial immediate effects.

        First, you wouldn’t have members of Congress trying to raise money or run for an election (reelection) WHILE they’re SUPPOSED to be SERVING THE PEOPLE. I would include a year’s severance equal to their normal wages POST their term, to give them time to find a job AFTER leaving office, so they have no excuse to do anything BUT their jobs WHILE IN OFFICE. In fact, it would be illegal for them even to LOOK for a job, send out resumes, interview, etc. Their ONE job while serving would BE serving. PERIOD. The severance pay being tied to the pay they received while in office would avoid ever having to worry about increasing it, whereas if we established a fixed amount, x number of dollars per year, it would periodically have to be adjusted for inflation.

        Corollary to the first point: the COST associated with these severance packages would probably be MORE than made up by the reduction in government spending on PORK because with NO possibility of reelection, members of the US Congress would be less motivated to dole-out such monies to buy future votes.

        Second, each new election would be a lot closer to fair, when NEITHER/NONE of the candidates have the (unfair) advantage of being the CURRENTLY-SERVING ***ANYTHING***. This would obviously include other branches of government.

        Third, this idea is by no means unprecedented in US law. As things stand, there are already limitation on, for example, how much time must pass after a serving military member leaves the service before they can take certain positions in government. All this proposed, theoretical amendment would do is extend that to cover people serving in non-military parts of the government .

        Fourth, increasing the amount of turnover could–and I would assert that it WOULD–help break the back of the duopoly currently strangling the life out of this once-great nation. Want to “Make America TRULY Great Again?” Start by making America’s GOVERNMENT actually accountable to the PEOPLE again. Yeah, the acronym is less sexy and more unwieldy, (MAGAATTPA,) but THAT would actually, ironically, do a lot more to achieve the alleged objectives of the MAGA folks, while simultaneously making America RESPECTABLE again.

        Fifth, you don’t have to worry about the thing that JUST HAPPENED, and the thing that’s happening AS I WRITE THIS, (i.e., someone refusing to leave office,) because he wouldn’t have even been ON THE BALLOT. ANYWHERE. This would eliminate a LOT of the opportunities for corruption of public officials because each one would KNOW FOR A FACT that he or she is leaving office at the end of THAT term. Like AOC said, wrote, or tweeted or whatever, that she has NO PROBLEM with the idea of being a one-term congressperson, (of course, she was plainly lying or changed her mind, but still,) because freed, LIBERATED from the fear of losing a reelection, they’d be able to exhibit more courage in their actions while working for US, their constituents.

        Sixth, outlawing incumbency would promote citizen participation in government. More people running for office means more choice. In our “capitalist’ system, we’re supposed to be guaranteed the best products, goods and services for the best prices, BECAUSE of competition. LACK of meaningful competition is what GAVE us Clinton v. Trump, as well as, more recently, Biden v. Trump. Before that, it gave us Bush v. Gore. I could go on but I won’t. Outlawing incumbency wouldn’t solve ALL our problems, but I think it would be a fantastic start, should be easy enough to understand,

        Seventh, this could, or perhaps need NOT be, the first step in imposing term limits that seem to be desperately needed. Just outlawing incumbency alone could have the effect of term limits without imposing any; a politician would only be able to serve HALF as many terms, at most, in any given lifetime, if after leaving the US HOR, he or she had to wait a minimum of two years to enter ANY other elected or appointed office, leaving a term as vice president or president that person had to wait at least four years before holding another, and of course, after leaving the US Senate, such persons had to wait at least SIX years before getting another government job.

        Eighth, I suspect campaigns could become simpler and less acrimonious, almost unavoidably, because they would all be more fair without ONE of the candidates already having a platform that the challenger is trying to knock that person down from. Recall the case of the Secretary of State (Brian Kemp in Georgia) running the election in which HE himself was a candidate for Governor. That kind of thing would be prohibited TOO, since that was a serving government official doing something OTHER than his job by campaigning FOR ANOTHER job while his job was to be Secretary of State, in an instance of what looked from here, (admittedly NOT in Georgia,) like blatant corruption, since he didn’t even step down from office to run FOR the other office. Whether or not you’re a Georgian, or a supporter of Brian Kemp, can ANYONE really say, with a straight face, that the person IN CHARGE OF the election might have an unfair advantage if he or she is also a CANDIDATE in that election? To me, that seemed to be a textbook example of the phrase, “conflict of interest”.

        Ninth, anyone averse to term limits need not fear that this would impose them. Term limit imposition could and should be held off for a separate law or amendment, since even this much, outlawing incumbency, even if it were only applied to TWO branches, (and not the Judiciary,) would be hard enough to do, I think, and ALSO tagging term limits on could serve as a poison pill that could kill any chance at passage or ratification of any law or amendment having this effect.

        Tenth and finally, (and congratulations if you’re still reading this,) should anyone want to respond, “that would make it impossible for anyone ever to hold office twice,” I will point out that America has HAD at least one president who served TWO nonconsecutive terms. (I think it was just the one, but there probably have been instances of members of one or both houses of Congress who have done the same, and I’m almost positive there are state governors who have done it.) The fact that it has been done, even if only once, proves that it IS possible, and the fact that it has happened so few times tends to suggest, I think, that my proposal WOULD be effective at helping increase diversity in government. (By diversity here, I don’t even mean it in the sense it is usually used today, but rather in the sense in which it is used in biology and ecology when they speak of genetic diversity, though it would also be more likely to cause the other kind of diversity, too.) Even if you were to assert that this wouldn’t really fix much, I doubt any could argue seriously that it would both FIX NOTHING, and make things worse for the people of the United States of America, and the world more broadly.

        Making it harder for people to slowly rot into shambling corpses WHILE serving in office, (over and over and OVER again,) can’t POSSIBLY make things worse than they are right now, and I challenge anyone to explain how it even COULD.

        • January 6, 2021 at 2:19 pm

          One more thing, (sorry,) I tried using asterisks in the above previous comment to make things clearer and they appear to have disappeared from the comment as it appears now, so some of what I wrote might not make as much sense as it would if the inflection had been left intact. Sorry about that.

          Also, it occurs to me that the best approach might be to make the amendment specify simply a window on either side of any elected office in which one is barred from holding any other elected or appointed office, equal to the length of that office’s normal term. Hence, no person could serve in the US Senate until at least six years AFTER, (nor hold any other office for six more years AFTER) the last office held BEFORE becoming a Senator, (adjustable of course if the term of that office were ever to change,) and the same for the House and executive branch officers. So a congresswoman, for example, after finishing a term in the House, could run for another House term only two years later, but would have to wait four from the day leaving office to run for P/VP, and six before running for Senate, while a serving P or VP would have to wait four years before being able to take office in either of those offices or the House, (not two years because of the length of a term as POTUS/VP,) and anyone seeking a seat in the US Senate would have to have not served in any elected nor appointed capacity in any echelon of government for at least six years prior to joining if elected. This would also bar anyone being appointed to any of these offices to serve out the remainder of someone else’s term, or serving as “acting”… anything.

      • July 27, 2022 at 1:10 pm

        Government Student loans pays for infrastructure. Plus you can’t cancel student debt it will come out of our taxes so we are still paying for it.

    • May 18, 2020 at 3:30 pm

      check out Movement for a People’s Party at:

    • December 4, 2020 at 2:58 pm

      Amazon workers should strike for a Union and more pay. Billion dollar company and they steal hours of labor from workers through unpaid time or forcing them to use earned Personal time. Even talking to HR they want you to use your break time or be clocked out.

      • January 6, 2021 at 2:25 pm

        Billion dollar company stealing hours of labor… of course. How else would they have BECOME a billion dollar company? 🙂 I mean, how else in so short a time, that is. Wage theft… plus of course having an unfair advantage for years of being able to undercut much of their competition by not being obliged to charge or pay sales tax on stuff they sell. It might have been other things, too, but… I think those were the main (anti-competitive) factors in how it grew as quickly and monstrously as it has.

      • February 19, 2021 at 6:12 am

        Why not stop working for Amazon?! If it’s that terrible of a company?

    • September 20, 2021 at 6:19 am

      I love that idea! It’s clear, we have got to get moving on a 3rd party!

    • January 14, 2022 at 2:48 pm

      Love that idea! It’s time!

  • April 13, 2020 at 9:42 pm

    sorry to short change everyone, that’s what us comedians do……so, how bout JOE BOTOMY??? democrats new campaign slogan should be “LOSE YOUR MIND!!! vote JOE BOTOMY!!!”. it’s not mean, just true. love the show, dr t

    • April 22, 2020 at 4:10 pm

      Thanks Trase! Added a couple of your links.

    • June 14, 2020 at 11:07 am

      ILWU will strike all west coast ports on Juneteenth in honor if George Floyd.

  • April 15, 2020 at 10:42 am

    I wonder if Obama found the “comfortable shoes” he left on Branson’s private island so he can join us on the strike? Oh wait, they’re on Oprah’s yacht and she’s hiding out in the middle of the ocean. He may not be able to get them back in time to help. Damn, maybe next time….

    • December 9, 2020 at 9:11 am

      You just make me visualize a very large Russian submarine surfacing next to the yacht, asking if they need any help…

  • April 18, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    I have thought about this throughout the year. Jimmy you are absolutely right. We can’t do it. We can’t pretend that the shift of the powerful means they can tip. Do we have enough power to tip it? I don’t know. But if Cenk joined us and we Third-partied this system, I think we could get power. If my sisters-in-law, all white and college-educated suburban of the three of us supported Sanders. There’s way more than we thought. And we are a lot madder than we were before they held voters over the fire and dared him to let us all due if he didn’t drop out.
    The failure of the stimulus has pissed off more. We had enough to scare them into joining together to defeat us.
    Would Sanders stop being so whipped puppy and come back to us or do we go to Tulsi? Crystal?
    Strike like your life is going to be snuffed out by the rich…. Because it will be. Nature has rebounded and we will all be so shocked to see that we, too, can recover from the war we have waged against ourselves for 20 years. Strike while the other side is immobile because their reason for being, the president, has muddled up so much that they can’t respond….. And I don’t mean only the Rs. Ds are as distracted. Let’s go! Bull Moose all the way. The third party, Independents already have the me and the mascots and the majority of the voters!
    We will miss the best opportunity in our lifetimes. They won’t let themselves be caught out like this again. Contact tracing with our cell phone system is supposed to keep us from getting sick, but if that were true than why do contract tracing when without testing it is expensive and useless. Ask yourself why die hard capitalists would jump so fast to cell phone-based contact tracing given it’s cost and uselessness without testing. I’ll wait.??? in quarantine.

    • April 23, 2020 at 5:32 pm

      You’re saying, “IF this happens, we can…. Or IF that happens we can…”
      Why wait? These are all the excuses that the middle class use to keep themselves safe. When you stop expecting someone else to do something, you will finally be mad enough to do something yourself.
      Go read Dr Gene Sharp beginning with From Dictatorship to Democracy.
      Fighting back is scary, but he said that fear breeds submission, and that you have to get over it to be effective. Our society has many ways to keep us in fear: fear the germs on your kitchen counters; fear your food: cholesterol, expiration date, and germs; fear the bugs in your back yard and *buy* a spray; fear what people will say… All these keep you in submission.
      Break free!

  • April 19, 2020 at 6:41 pm

    Personally – got fired for trying to work from home when lockdown announced but boss said no. She let other workers who supported their family as sole income owners leave employment a week early. I filed a whistleblower claim with OSHA as I believed going in was dangerous and there was certainly no reason. As an attorney, I can make calls and write stuff from my home. I had moved two weeks prior from CO to PA for this position. Now I am locked down without employment, all money I had spent on getting out here, no support group, 1200 for all expenses and dependent on the kindness of politicians.

    • April 22, 2020 at 4:10 pm

      Thanks Scott! Added.

  • April 19, 2020 at 11:22 pm

    May 1, 2020 wear yellow. 15 State St. Boston Mass. to 1 Commonwealth Ave. George Washington statue in Boston Common. Original home of the American Revolution. WPP

  • April 19, 2020 at 11:25 pm

    WPP= Workers Progressive Party

  • April 22, 2020 at 3:35 pm

    Greetings JImmy and crew!!

    Please add Durham, NC to your list of rent strikes!! Lots of involvement here, and lots of fantastic “rent strike” street art to be seen around Durham!! Several upcoming car parade style demonstrations are happening this week! Love you all! Keep punching up!

    • April 22, 2020 at 4:11 pm

      Thanks Guillaume! Added.

  • April 22, 2020 at 4:58 pm

    I’m in this union,

    It’s the largest grocery/retail workers union in Washington state. I’ve been listening to their conference calls the past month and they haven’t once mentioned a strike. Maybe you can help?

    I work at a busy grocery store in metropolitan Seattle. We don’t feel safe at all. The company is clearly not doing enough (limiting customers, making us wear masks, etc.).

    • May 6, 2020 at 7:22 pm

      Then you need to talk to your rep and look at other strategies. If you don’t have a rep at your workplace YOU are it, you can’t be passive. Have you contacted or tried contacting the people involved in the calls?? If they are unresponsive, talk to other workmates plus workers at other stores to try and get things moving in the direction you all (majority) agree upon.

      If that fails you need to look at moving/forming a new union. This isn’t easy none of it is but the current system is already extremely hostile to you, you have to push back asking someone else to do it is a road to failure. That said you do need to ask for help from those around you if they are unwilling in the current climate then then dystopia that has been put upon other countries by the US is coming home harder then many are used.

  • April 25, 2020 at 3:26 am

    An fascinating dialogue is worth comment. I feel that you need to write extra on this topic, it may not be a taboo topic but typically persons are not sufficient to speak on such topics. To the next. Cheers

  • April 26, 2020 at 12:17 pm

    Extinction Rebellion Tucson is leading a citywide general strike that will be on the first of each month for as long as people can strike for. Can I send the fliers we made to The Jimmy Dore Show so people can print/distribute in their communities? They have been made by us using input from multiple activist groups.

    • April 30, 2020 at 2:47 pm

      Hi Solveig,

      Please go ahead and email your fliers to, and we will proceed from there.

      Thank you,

  • April 28, 2020 at 1:24 am

    Jimmy Dore and friends are my heroes, and inspire me to be as heroic as I would like to be. Also the yellow vests in France. I bought one and I wear it constantly.

  • May 2, 2020 at 8:34 am

    For someone that’s no good at organizing, you’re doing a fine job! Now if only those protesting to open up the beaches would realize they got screwed on the stimulus and join us 🙁

  • May 10, 2020 at 11:03 pm

    Here are a couple union/group links, I can’t say for sure they are all active in supporting strikes, but I think it’d be worth contacting them…

    1) Industrial Workers of the World

    2) National Domestic Workers Alliance

    3) Partners for Dignity & Rights (formerly National Economic and Social Rights Initiative)

    4) Poor Peoples Campaign

    5) Socialist Equality Project

    6) Green Party US

    7) Color of Change

    8) Black Lives Matter

    Thanks Jimmy and all!


    Stay Peaceful but NOT silent people!


    • May 12, 2020 at 2:12 pm

      Noah, thanks for your contributions. Added some of your links!

      • May 14, 2020 at 2:30 am

        Cool, thanks! Please make sure to mention this page on the show so everyone knows.

    • May 14, 2020 at 6:14 pm

      Thanks for the link Mark. We’ve added it to our list!

  • May 14, 2020 at 3:08 pm

    Yo, been trying to get #BoycottAmazonTuesdays going on the twitter since Feb, but im just a dude agitating for justice and not getting much traction. Its a good idea, revolving, sustained Big box strikes.
    #BoycottWalmartMondays ,etc.

    Love some help, doing what I can to fight the man.

  • May 17, 2020 at 1:49 am

    Per mainstream news on May 15th, workers at a Ralph’s store in Los Angeles’s Koreatown went out on strike to protest Kroeger’s (Ralph’s parent company) retraction of the $2 per hour “heros pay” that Ralph’s workers had been receiving.

    As a customer of a different Ralph’s store not that far away, I commented about this action to 2 employees. There was more than passing interest.

    At the Lomita Post Office on Narbonne Ave., I observed an extremely unsafe condition where tiny plexiglass barriers had been erected, but they were off to the side of where customers and employees conducted transactions. I commented to the worker who expressed fear of the situation but also hopelessness. “We’ve raised it with the postmaster here but he won’t listen to us. Will you call him please?”

    My point is that people other than the overwhelmed and desperate workers can and should get involved. Talk to the employees who are serving you. Agitate a bit. Offer support for any action they and their co-workers might want to take. Ask how you can help. Offer to make contact with employees with similar interest at other stores of the same type. Exchange phone numbers so you can follow up.

    My point is that just because you are not directly effected, it does not mean that you can’t help to facilitate some rebellion. Think of yourself as an organizer. . . and be one!

  • May 26, 2020 at 2:35 pm

    The newly formed Milwaukee Autonomous Tenants Union is part of the Autonomous Tenants Union Network ( MATU members are organizing to build collective tenants power against predatory landlords. Many of us are I.W.W. members – We are committed to joining worker’s and tenants in struggle.

    • May 26, 2020 at 5:52 pm

      Thanks Jay, added!

  • June 14, 2020 at 6:31 pm

    #BlackLivesMatter in CT needs support ya jagoff!

    In the last three years, CT cops have killed over 30 people of color, where the cop was not arrested or poorly prosecuted. The youth have been hit particularly hard because since 2017 EIGHT young folks have been killed ranging from 15 – 24 years old. The 15 year, Jayson Negron, old was murdered by a cop who is still on the job, as well as the police chief and Bridgeport City Mayor, Joe Ganim who over saw all this fuckery.

    RIGHT NOW (6/14/20) family members of the slain teenager are occupying the Bridgeport Police Dept. with a list of demands including #DefundThePolice. They are occupying the space intill the city cousel meets in Monday, June 14, 2020.

    Also, Hartford CT has a Strike/#BLM protest happening Monday, June 15 at 11 AM at the State Capitol.

    Thanks for your voice

  • June 17, 2020 at 10:55 am

    No, Trump quit his show to run for president. The law states that a business can’t be owned while running/while being president. Cenk brought up somebody who had to give up a peanut farm or something like that to run. That’s partly why Trump didn’t get into the other races but sort of said he would run. The other part was Hillary wasn’t ready to run at that point. It was her phone call that got him in the race and to run in 2020 (I know that is for a much different post but I can’t help but go through all the facts I know).

    When I was in Martha’s Vineyard there were a lot of BLM protests going on. It was awesome to watch. I didn’t join in because I was with my family and get lost way to easily. The people in cars usually honked or screamed in support.

    My state started to open up. I will try to keep you posted with any protest (the problem is my town not really known for protesting). Boston is known for nonstop protesting and being political so for any protest might be happening there.

    I know one restaurant has a priority list. I don’t know what would make the bartender or waitress a priority. I know some got other jobs so that might be part of the list.

  • June 17, 2020 at 11:19 am

    How do we do a protest on youtube for their demonetizing videos?

    Sorry I couldn’t help that.

    • July 13, 2020 at 12:30 pm

      Hi Chris, thanks for the link. Added!

  • July 28, 2020 at 6:30 pm

    The movement’s all require more revenue to have the the necessary effect. @IMMHACAL is willing to provide a fiscal sponsorship to any organization or individuals who are willing to follow through with such a fundraising effort. Enough with the feel good contributions. Enough with an effort that amounts to sinking a battleship with a BB gun. The Antifa Charity Carwash and BBQ at least sounds like it would be very amusing. Thanks for all you do. Time to adjust some of our tactics.

  • August 7, 2020 at 9:58 am

    Could you list them in a calendar?

    • August 7, 2020 at 4:05 pm

      Hi Kate,

      That’s a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion. We’re not able to do this right now, but if you or anybody feel compelled to organize our listings in a Google Calendar, please share the link in the comments.

  • August 10, 2020 at 11:59 am

    Hey Jimmy,

    Love your show.. love that you express righteous anger over how the american people are being sold out by politicians left and right. Both are taking legal bribes from corporations and the wealthy. It would be great if you took 5 minutes at the beginning of every show and used it to report on general organizing activities(environmental, anti-war.. etc.) , strike activities (planned strikes, and ways that we can support those strikes), 3rd party organizing, protests, and where we can donate to support legal fight back or donate to support legal fees to support strikers, protesters ..etc. I don’t want you to change your show format, just add a 5 minutes to report and direct your followers on the ways in which they can fight back on a daily basis. Finally, you can use your celebrity to get other progressive show hosts to do something familiar.. to amplify key organizing information across all the shows.. We need central organizing efforts.. and with your audience and your amazing comedy, and journalism.. yes journalism, I think you can have a profound impact not only be exposing fake, fraud politicians.. but become a place where we find out where to go to focus our energy and magnify our collective energy. I just donated because your are our voice right now as Bernie and his fellow progressives have sold us out to be part of the Democratic party.

  • August 10, 2020 at 7:19 pm

    Site is preparing for a civil and criminal attempt at holding those who hold human life in reckless disregard to suffer class action and international law suit. Like Brazil’s president who is being tried for crimes against humanity, trump should be tried under international criminal law for his murderous ineptitude allowing states to reopen and now schools. Further, we would like to reach out to all victims from those who died from the disease to those who suffered mental anguish trying to choose whether or not to send their kids to school or quit their job and stay home with them. From Trump on down to the local school superintendents to individuals who don’t wear masks to businesses who don’t enforce mask and social distancing rules, if they are not being held accountable, we want to sue them and hit them in the checkbook for their carelessness.

  • August 18, 2020 at 5:50 pm

    We must do a General Strike for revolution. It is up to us. Revolution is the only way to fix this country/planet. No more half measures. This has it all. Something for everyone to get the largest movement possible. No more half measures. We don’t have time for watered down reforms.
    Share it in real life, online, read & RT The People’s Manifesto.
    Together we will win. Demand it all! Don’t settle!

  • November 13, 2020 at 1:39 pm

    As a union employee in Las Vegas I understand the power of MASS demonstrations and chaos it can create. Chomsky tactics. Radical change occurs many times in social chaos but the globalists in the Democratic Party are too strong for strikes. Let’s boycott Facebook, CNN, MSNBC etc ,Google search engine and Twitter. Better to find alternative truth like your show than being “played” by by propagandist and demagogues.. Lets supports candidates of ant party that will protect the 1st and 2nd Amendment. As conservatives claim; the 2 nd protects the 1st.

  • December 9, 2020 at 9:23 am

    It may be useful to combine any and all strikes in the streets with a total a-social media strike. Nothing. Total silence for the unintelligence ‘community’. Our Blackout – not theirs.

  • January 16, 2021 at 4:04 pm

    I’m in Metro Detroit, Michigan, USA. Jimmy and Steph, do you have a list for this?
    Another question, I applied to be Rokfin creator twice but they didn’t get back with me. I want to upload videos that probably will get demonetized on YT. Any help is appreciated.

  • July 10, 2021 at 10:31 pm


    CRY! That’s what they’re gonna do! : )



    Oh! Suddenly, they care. Suddenly, they’re available.

  • July 10, 2021 at 10:36 pm

    Sorry, with the MEDIA, you peacefully protest their SPONSORS and ADVERTISERS. ALL protests should be peaceful. Thanks,

  • August 4, 2021 at 12:13 pm

    Are there any physician-run strikes for medicare for all?? I don’t know how they would organize such a coalition but that kind of movement could have some strong legs.


    “On January 1, 1976, physicians in Southern California, faced with increases of as much as 300% in malpractice insurance premiums (for surgeons, the dollar cost of mal- practice insurance premiums went as high as $40,000 a year), demonstrated their outrage by severely curtailing their services to call public attention”

  • October 28, 2021 at 9:20 pm

    November 3rd call for WORLDWIDE GENERAL STRIKE

    no masks, no vaccines, no testing, no green passes. No coercion. No mandates.

    Organized by Children’s Health Defense with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

  • January 14, 2022 at 3:24 pm

    King Soopers / City Market strikes in Colorado


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